
◂  June 2021

Memory Sabbath & Memory Sunday
6/12/20216/13/2021All Day


Participating faith communities




Karen Winston

Memory Sunday is an annual event typically scheduled on the second Sunday in June.

Memory Sunday flyer - link to

Click on the image above to open a PDF flyer to share or post.

On Memory Sunday, faith communities serving African Americans provide education on Alzheimer’s: prevention, treatment, research studies, and caregiving.

Memory Sunday is an initiative of the National Brain Health Center for African Americans, founded by The Balm In Gilead, which provides support to faith communities and other institutions that work to eliminate health disparities.

Read “Memory Sunday Focuses on Brain Health, Caregiving” in the June 2021 issue of AgeWise King County.

In 2021, the following faith communities are participating in Memory Sunday or Memory Sabbath:

For more information about Memory Sunday in Seattle-King County and for handouts and other resources, e-mail ADS planner Karen Winston (

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