
◂  June 2017

Aging the LGBTQ Way: A Forum on Equity, Respect & Inclusion
6/3/2017All Day


Seattle City Hall
601 5th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104


FREE but RSVPs are encouraged so that sufficient seating and food can be provided.


Age-Friendly Seattle, City of Seattle

PDF flyer for the Aging The LGBTQ Way equity forum on June 3, 2017 at Seattle City Hall. For more information, e-mail age friendly at seattle dot gov.Seattle Mayor Ed Murray invites you to attend Aging the LGBTQ Way, a forum on equity, respect, and inclusion.

Dr. Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, University of Washington School of Social Work, will share information from Aging with Pride, the first federally-funded longitudinal research project examining the health, aging, and well-being over time of LGBTQ older adults. Other presentations and activities will focus on LGBTQ equity, respect, and social inclusion; economic and housing security; social and civic engagement; and aging, health, and community services.

Help develop recommendations for Age-Friendly Seattle. Attend workshops, build intergenerational relationships, and get resources for optimal aging. It’s a full day dedicated to aging well!

This event is FREE. Lunch and dinner are included, so RSVPs are appreciated at

For accommodations, accessibility information, language interpretation, or childcare, contact Terry Ann at 206-386-1521 or

The City of Seattle is a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. For more information about Age-Friendly Seattle, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter.

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