Age Friendly Seattle Coffee Hour6/20/201910am11am
Seattle, WA 98104
The June 20 Age Friendly Seattle Coffee Hour features Sheryl Shapiro and Natasha Walker from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), which keeps our region clean, green, and healthy by delivering drinking water, drainage, wastewater, garbage, and recycling services. Sheryl and Natasha will discuss how SPU’s three Community Advisory Committees play a key role in helping shape SPU’s services, programs, polices, projects, and communications in these areas.
Age Friendly Seattle Coffee Hours are held on the third Thursday of every month at the Central Building and on other dates in Seattle neighborhoods. The events bring community elders closer to City officials to explore topics of interest.
Presentations often include cutting edge information about healthy aging, legal and planning issues, and more. Participants learn about City programs and services, and officials hear from their constituents. Coffee and refreshments are served.
For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, contact Lenny Orlov (206-386-1521 or e-mail at your earliest convenience.
For more information about Age Friendly Seattle, visit