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◂  August 2018

High Tea: Every Day Love


Friends Fellowship Hall
7737 25th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98125


NEST Office

When we take care of ourselves, it naturally spreads to others. You know those people you meet and you feel better just by being in their presence? Now think of a person who drains your energy. Which one of those people do you think focuses on taking care of themselves? Which person do you want to be? When you take care of yourself, you spread that into the  world. You inspire others to take better care of themselves. In this presentation Dr. Jane Tornatore shares strategies to help you take care of yourself, especially when you feel overwhelmed by life’s stressors and responsibilities.

Dr. Tornatore is a therapist and speaker in Seattle. She draws on her extensive professional training and wide-ranging life experiences, including over 20 years in the field of Alzheimer’s, to help people release old patterns and unnecessary stress. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. Local and national audiences rave about her engaging workshops on improving brain health, reducing stress and living more effectively with dementia.

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